So far with the footage that we have filmed, my group and I have begun the editing process. The footage that we have started to edit is what we filmed over this past weekend and a bit over the Thanksgiving break we had. The scenes that were filmed only consisted of me as the actor and no other group members. We have plans to film the rest of the footage tomorrow after school. We also plan to film the final scenes of the video on Saturday during the day. While we have dumped footage and began to place our scenes in order on the editing program, we have more that needs to be dumped and scenes that need to be selected in order to edit them along with the other clips.
As of the beginning of this week, I started to edit the footage my group and I have. My group and so have been using equipment that belongs to one of the members in our group. In class, my group member Jada brought her camera that we used to film so that we could start editing. She also brought her laptop because that is the computer we have used and will continue to use for the editing of our video. The first step I did was dump the footage we filmed from the camera onto the laptop. Once I did that, I imported the footage onto the editing program on her laptop. She has a MacBook, so the software we are using is iMovie. Once I imported all the footage, I looked at each scene and we decided which ones we were going to use in our final video. I deleted the clips we were not going to use to clear our work space on the program. Next, I placed the clips in order of how we want them to come in our video. I had to cut some because some of the endings of the clips were unnecessary and we had to make some shorter. The next step I did was add the song on top of all the clips. I had to import the audio first. Then, I put it into the layer above the footage layer. This allows for all sounds in the clips to be muted and only the song audio will be heard in the video, as how it is in most music videos. Aside from this, I added some effects to the clips. I also implemented certain transitions in between the clips. Some made the transition from one clip to another smooth, while others more abrupt. The transitions have specific purposes that build the video and help relay the message in the video.
As I stated before, my group and I have not fully filmed all the necessary scenes. We have discussed that we will all go together after school to the locations we must film at. There are only two locations we must go to and these include a coffee shop and Jada’s house. At the coffee shop we will be sure to ask for permission before filming, to ensure that it is ok with the coffee shop. There, we will film the scene of Derek and myself getting into an argument. At Jada’s house we will film the scene of me slamming the door on Derek’s face. On Saturday, we will have our last day of filming. The scenes will be filmed at the beach and a mall.
Once we have all of our footage filmed, we will dump all the footage from the camera to the computer, import it into iMovie and we will be able to complete the editing of all the footage and complete to production of our music video.
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